Texmaker addons to make table
Texmaker addons to make table

texmaker addons to make table

Vim is a pow­er­ful gen­er­al pur­pose text ed­i­tor that’s very ex­ten­si­ble. Cor­rect­ing spelling mis­takes on the flyįor writ­ing text and math­e­mat­i­cal for­mu­las in LaTeX, I use Vim.This blog post will focus on the first item: writ­ing LaTeX.

texmaker addons to make table

An­no­tat­ing pdf doc­u­ments using LaTeX should be pos­si­ble for when I want to write notes along­side a pdf doc­u­ment.adding a note, com­pil­ing all my notes, com­pil­ing the last two lec­tures, search­ing in notes, etc. Draw­ing fig­ures should be al­most as fast as the lec­tur­er.Writ­ing text and math­e­mat­i­cal for­mu­las in LaTeX should be as fast as the lec­tur­er writ­ing on a black­board: no delay is ac­cept­able.To make note tak­ing using LaTeX vi­able, I had four goals in mind: These lec­ture notes - in­clud­ing fig­ures - are made while at­tend­ing the lec­ture and have not been edit­ed af­ter­wards. To give you an idea of what those notes look like, here are some ex­am­ples: Which makes for a total of more than 1700 pages of notes. I start­ed using LaTeX to write lec­ture notes in the sec­ond se­mes­ter of my bach­e­lor in math­e­mat­ics, and I’ve been using it ever since, How­ev­er, a lot has changed since then and I’d like to write a few blog posts ex­plain­ing my work­flow. There, I ex­plained my work­flow of tak­ing lec­ture notes in LaTeX using Vim and how I draw fig­ures in Inkscape. A while back I an­swered a ques­tion on Quora: Can peo­ple ac­tu­al­ly keep up with note-​taking in Math­e­mat­ics lec­tures with LaTeX.

Texmaker addons to make table